Paper Lesson

The lesson focus for this project was paper. This project was unlike anything I have previously completed but it was a lot of fun. We learned about organic and geometric shapes. We also learned about Picasso and his famous Cubism paintings. After a short presentation, we began completing our own Cubism painting. We started off by making an eye on each side of the face, and then eyebrows, and then the lips. After completing the facial features, we divided the picture up into four different spaces. The requirement was to have at least four different colors and two different types of media. Once we completed this portion of the project, we proceeded to cut out the online and then cut it down into four separate pieces. After the pieces were all cut out, we cut the four sections into geometric and organic shapes and then glued them onto construction paper. To sum up this lesson, we wrote two facts about Picasso and two ways our pictures were different from our peers! 

An extension activity that I would do for this project would be a virtual Picasso museum walk. I would play some soothing music and print out different works of art by Picasso and place them around the room. Students would walk around the room with a clipboard and write out two observations that they found in each piece of art. 


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