Print Making Quilt

For this lesson, we used gel plates and stencils to create different patterns onto a piece of paper. We picked out whatever color of paint that we wanted and we also picked out our own stencils. After we painted the gel plate with our choice of color, we laid the stencil down and rolled over it with a roller. Once the pattern was visible on the plate, we put down the piece of paper and rolled over it again. After rolling over the piece of paper completely, we carefully peeled it off and then layered the gel plate with another paint color and stencil to create a pattern once again. We repeated this process over and over again until we completed multiple different patterns. We then cut out our patterns into small squares and glued them onto a piece of construction paper, creating a "quilt". 

Extension Activity: I would bring in my quilt that my grandmother made me out of t-shirts and show the students all of the different types of patterns/materials that quilts can have! 


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